Testimonials & Reviews

“Dr. Gupta, I am so thankful that you agreed to treat my mom. You have been so wonderful to her. We appreciate everything you have done. I have 100% faith and trust in you and your deicisons. Thank you so much”

“Dr. Gupta, Thank you for saving my life! … I’m so thankful I listened to my mother when she told me to come to you. My father trusted you. And that was good enough for me. You really care for your patients… Thank you for your excellent care. I can see why my father trusted you. You’re honest and very caring. You can tell you’re not in your profession for the money. You are a ture physician. Thank you so very much.”

“Dr. Gupta, As I told you when you examined me recently and gave me the prescription for those lovely knee high’s, you were so very kind to me when I was in the hospital the night before surgery. Those beautiful eyes of yours just sparkle and make me happy! So happy I feel like living again! You told me you must have been in a ‘good mood’ and made me laugh. God bless both you and all of your staff!”